Destroying Comparison Traps: A Guide on Deception and How to Identify it

Comparisons seem to be the most deceitful part of all of humanity’s life. Deception is one of the enemy’s strongest powers that he has. However, when someone can identify what is making them feel deceived or insignificant in the first place, they can then become victorious over what was pounding them down. Receiving discernment can make someone stronger to show them how they are being attacked and actions needed to be taken to rebuke the lies that they are telling themselves.

1. The Performance Trap: AKA as the Hamster Wheel

Comparisons lead onto to contrasts, which then translates half the time to jealousy. The outcome of envying another individual throws you into a state of vulnerability for the enemy to guide his demons into your thoughts. Being jealous of anyone is an ugly exterior and it can deteriorate the interior. When you want the same job, appearance, position or even a significant other, you give that person who you unconsciously idolize, as being a perfect individual.

Behind locked doors surrounded by melancholic secrecy, the person who has been idolized is envying after someone else, and the process routines over and over again. It never stops. Because the enemy lusts over tearing down any self-confidence that you have. This is identified as The Hamster Wheel. This trap compares and measures humanity’s efforts and success to others. Translation: we get caught up striving to live in perfection from having the idea that a person that we idolize is living that fathomed flawless life. But in reality, that person is having just or even more of a difficult time due to insecurities, self identity crisis, jealousy etc…

2. The Pride Trap: AKA The Never- Ending Skyscraper

Leading back up to jealousy, this second discernment tactic of deception is about your ego. This trap compares who we are with who we perceive other’s to be. Acceptance of other individuals instead of resting in recognition and acceptance from God. Changing yourself and your moral thought-process for someone else is not what the Lord wants you to do. He wants you to live in is acceptance and judgements, not of someone who was created by Him. Christ loves each individual person equally and unconditionally. The Lord created you the way He wants you to look, has given you the freedom to make your own decisions and choose what your heart desires.

Christ does not want you to live in insecurity and self-shame. He always wants you to live in stability and self-worth towards yourself. Your pride or ego should not make you change yourself from what someone else thinks, what trends are happening to be ‘in style’ so that you can be likable or falling into temptation like everyone else so that you can be relatable. We are not meant to be relatable. We are meant to live in originality. Drop your pride, admit your issues to the Lord and commit to submission. He wants to lead you onto a path filled with opportunity, new connections and a life created in faith.

3. The Insecurity Trap: AKA The Two-Way Mirror

This trap compares our weaknesses to other’s strengths. This is metaphorical for staring into the two-way mirror that lease you feeling like you will never be enough, instead of seeing all God has created us to be. It’s easy to develop a mental façade of someone who seems to be doing better than you, but think for a moment and see why you actually would switch your life for theirs. Is it popularity, a like-ability, do they seem to look like a model, have the type of body shape you want?

It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. All that should matter to you is what the Lord thinks of you; To God, humanity are His masterpieces. (Ephesians 2:20) He sculpted your face shape, painted your eyes the color that they are and most importantly, He placed your heart into your chest. A heart that feels emotions, cares for other’s and makes you love other people and your passions and dreams that you aspire to pursue. This was one of the hardest truths that I needed to admit to myself. That I was so insecure about my body that I would want to be someone else more in shape or prettier. The best action that I have taken charge of was telling the Lord that I am enough because He made me, So because He made me, He knows that I am worthy of love, happiness and freedom. If I can admit my insecurities and lay them down at the Lord’s feet, I know that you can too; You will end up on the other side of this dark phase in victory with a crown on your head a genuine smile on your face. You are enough.

4. The Envy Trap: AKA The Green-Eyed Monster

Similar to the first diagnosis, the last confinement discusses jealousy. However, the Envy Trap compares what we don’t have. This includes money, occupations, kids, home, relationships or anything. We get stuck in this trap which we try to figure out how to get out of what we didn’t have instead of figuring out how to give what we do have. As a child of God, we should be content with what the Lord has blessed us with. Friendships, clothing on our backs, food on the table, the ability to breathe and have a heart that is the nucleus of the human body. Controls the blood flow, the physical attributes to keep your conscience, but it also holds all of your desires and heart for the Lord and other’s around you.

The green-eyed monster isn’t showing love, being envious of someone isn’t showing compassion but more idolization. The Bible speaks a lot about idolatry. Exodus 20:3-6 discusses how no one should put other God’s, anything or anyone before Him. That we should be living in steadfast love to thousands of those who love Him and keep His commandments. 1 John 2:8 says “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” The last example I will use is 1 Corinthians 10:14 which writes “My beloved, free from idolatry.” Anyone can be committing idolatry without even knowing they are. One simple way to see if you are is writing a list of your top five items or people that you can not live without. If the Lord is not on your number one, you should have a conversation with both yourself and with the Father to see what you are putting in front of Him.

These comparison traps put other’s efforts, strengths, and stuff as the goal and purpose of our lives. This quickly steals the abundant life God intended.

Here are three steps that I used to find my self-worth and confidence in my identity in Christ:

Step 1: Remind yourself that You are beautiful

“I am beautiful.”

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.”

-Songs of Solomon 4:7

“You will be a crown a splendor in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.

-Isaiah 62:3

Step 2: Tell yourself You are valuable

“I am valuable.”

“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

-Luke 1:45

“You are not your own, you were bought with a price.”

-1 Corinthians 6:20

Step 3: Remind yourself that You were created as beloved with Christ in you

“I am created as beloved with Christ in me.”

“For in Christ Jesus you are all sons (and daughters) of God, through faith.”

-Galatians 3:26

“And to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

-Ephesians 4:24

“For we are workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” -Ephesians 2:10

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